Alexandra Tales


The Earth Elf Twins


   Start of the saga where the adventurer Alexandra takes on a new job escorting twin princesses to the Elven Queen. The journey brings them through the ordinary wonders of the Elven world where plants grow unhindered and animals live there society along the elves. A Sand Cat joins the group early in the adventure proving a valuable ally. After the mountains, the sea gives a second trial, where the path of the Lords of the Wind let them drift into the sunset, but also into danger. A third trial leads them underground into an abandoned dwarven city full of vermin and the enemy. Luckily our hero Alexandra has magic and her sword to save the day. The politics of the swamp cats brings the group in the Royal City. Where they find out they are only halfway the journey Help is given as the group must now venture into the turbulent world of the earth elves. Thrashing some, hailing others, using her skills as adventurer as well as the politics she was born in. The group manages to overthrow the invaders and give the twins a new start.


The Kings Daughter


   Alexandra and Lisa honor an agreement with the two dwarves helping them in Earth Elf land. They will help the daughter of a dwarf King, Jinasin, to find out the truth about a new sect. Soon after, they find themselves in the outer world of the dragons, where politics is often more important than brute force, but the latter always helps. Been drawn deeper and deeper into the plot, their path leads them through several worlds battling Dragons, Drakelings and Humans alike. Finally the focus is set on the drake mountain. A mountain volcano old enough to be from before the breaking of the world and therefore existing in all worlds. However the occupant of the mountain is long dead. Starting the last part of the tale unmasking the driving force starting all intrigues in several worlds to gain coin and influence for their ultimate goal. Democracy in the drake world and equality disregarding size. But really, do we actually want young and inexperienced dragons making decisions, or do we agree with Lisa, Jinasin and Alexandra believing the dragon society is better off as it is now.